Gift for Daddy
June 1990

“Gift for Daddy,” Friend, June 1990, 39

Gift for Daddy

I love my daddy,

But I am so small.

What can I give him …

My old worn-out doll?

He’d like a computer

Or a car with some zip,

A stereo unit

Or a cruise on a ship.

I can’t give him those—

I haven’t a dime.

But though I’ve no money,

I have lots of time.

So I’ll make him a promise

Of things that I’ll do:

I’ll hug him and kiss him

When each day is through;

I’ll work hard in school,

Be kind to my brother,

Be reverent in church,

And obey my mother.

I’ll be all the things

That Dad wants me to be.

And each day I’ll love him

Just as he loves me.

Illustrated by Julie F. Young
