“Old Testament Crossword Puzzle,” Friend, Oct. 1990, 23
Old Testament Crossword Puzzle
First man on earth
Queen of Persia who risked death to help save her people, the Jews
Number of Isaac’s sons
Moabitess who went to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law
Adam’s son who killed his brother out of jealousy
Brother killed by 9 Across
Abraham’s brother, whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt
Object made of earth or stone, used for sacrifices
Tree used in building of Solomon’s temple.
Prophet who prophesied of a great flood and built a vessel for his family and for animals
Abraham’s name before the Lord changed it
Longest-lived patriarch (969 years!)
Original home of Abraham, ______ of the Chaldees
What Abraham paid to Melchizedek
Father of 2 Down; was translated with his city, Zion
Mother-in-law of 8 Across
Modern nickname for the name of this prophet who was dedicated to the Lord by his mother
Vessel built by 17 Across