February 1991 Contents Marion D. HanksFollow the King Bonnie HoltA Light in the Dark Funstuf Janet Fawcett HigginsonNew Testament Personalities Mary S. FrazierZebedee’s Family Tree Crane Delbert BennettA Ruler of the Jews Ruth ImanHidden-Square Bird Donna Lugg PapeFebruary Spoke Puzzle Ruth ImanFlower Hearts Roberta L. FairallLost Barbara BambigerWords to the Wise Janet Peterson and Jacob de JagerFriend to Friend Hazel LamoreauxNora’s Blessing Joylene Tilley BohmfalkValentine Day at Cedar and Oak Ray GoldrupA Walk with Two Moons Dancing Julie WardellKitchen Krafts For Little Friends Trudi Merz FossHugs Are for Teaching Julie WardellValentine Turtle Yvonne SlaterValentine Relay Race Cena Golder RichesonThe Weather Zoo Judy HuntTestimony Julie LambertThe Best Treasure in the Whole World Vivian PaulsenRyan Foster of Charleston, South Carolina F. A. RockwellChai Mi Why Do I Need a Testimony? Linda EppichSpelling Friends Janet HoustonBear-y Nice Valentines Gay SeltzerDanny’s Pillow Laurel RohlfingSharing Time: Build upon My Rock Tryn PaxtonKeepers of the Light