Birds, Birds, Everywhere!
March 1991

“Birds, Birds, Everywhere!” Friend, Mar. 1991, 30–31

Birds, Birds, Everywhere!

Ducks in a puddle,

Swans on the lake,

Storks on the chimney,

Wrens on a rake,

Eagles on the mountain,

Warblers in the hedge,

Owls in the hollow oak,

Sparrows on a ledge,

Jays in the plum tree,

Hawks on the wing,

Robins on the front lawn—

Now we know it’s spring!

Instructions: Carefully remove pages 30–31 from the magazine and mount them on heavy paper. Cut off the poem, and cut out the birds. Cut slits in the picture along the broken lines. As the poem is read, place each bird in its proper place.

Illustrated by Jerry Harston
