Nathan and Matthew Dyer of Littleton, Colorado
May 1992

“Nathan and Matthew Dyer of Littleton, Colorado,” Friend, May 1992, 28

Making Friends:

Nathan and Matthew Dyer of Littleton, Colorado

Nathan and Matthew Dyer, seven-year-old twins from Littleton, Colorado, like to tease people by saying they will be baptized when they are two. The brothers will actually be baptized when they are eight, of course, but because they were born on leap day on February 29, Nathan and Matthew can only celebrate on the actual date of their birth every four years. When they turn eight, it will only be the second time for them to have a “real” birthday!

In addition to having the same birthday, Nathan and Matthew share similar interests, a room, and many of the same friends. They enjoy camping, hiking, and fishing in the Colorado Rockies with their dad, Steve. The twins’ favorite retreat spot is a mountain ranch, where they delight in roasting marshmallows and feeding chipmunks.

The boys also love to read and look forward to their family’s biweekly visits to the library. They get to check out twenty books, which are usually all read two days after they bring them home.

Matthew said his favorite part of school is D.E.A.R. (“drop everything and read” time), and he has even tried his hand at writing his own books. He wrote and illustrated a story called The Dinosaurs for his school’s Young Author Fair, and the book was displayed at the Southglenn Mall in Littleton.

Nathan said math and science are his best subjects in school, although he enjoys all subjects. He is a real whiz on the computer.

When they are at home, the twins like to jump on their trampoline, ride their bikes, and practice soccer. The two play on a soccer team together. Last season their team won only one game, but Nathan and Matthew still had a lot of fun.

The twins are known for their positive attitudes and enthusiasm. Their mom, Diana, said that Nathan and Matthew are always cheerful, even while doing their work around the house. The family job chart keeps track of the rotating chore schedule for all seven children: Danny (14), Angela (12), Melissa (9), Nathan and Matthew, Trenton (4), and Justin (1).

Matthew and Nathan take their turns doing the dishes, vacuuming, emptying the garbage, setting the table, and weeding outside. When the Dyer children cheerfully complete their chores and do other good deeds, they get to put a bean in their “jolly jars.” The beans they earn can be used to trade for special treats or activities.

The Dyers know that when you’re helping, you’re happy, which is one of the reasons they like to share. When they bake homemade bread, they always make five or six loaves so they can wrap up a couple to give to friends. At Christmastime they put together goodie baskets for their neighbors and go caroling.

At other times of the year, the Dyers also share their talent for singing, by performing at church and for special occasions. Mom, who is the Primary chorister in the Littleton Fourth Ward, always gives the family lots of help and direction. Nathan and Matthew’s favorite family program was one in which they dressed up in plastic noses and straw hats to sing “We All Got Daddy’s Nose” from the musical Saturday’s Warrior.

Using one word to describe their family, both Nathan and Matthew said “fun.” According to the twins, there is nothing better than getting the whole family together to just play games and have a good time. On Sunday afternoons they like to get a rousing round of “Mormonopoly” going. This adapted version of Monopoly, with its familiar church sites and historical names on the game board, helps the children to review gospel principles.

In the future both Nathan and Matthew plan to go on missions. Nathan said he’d like to go to Utah, while Matthew hopes to go to Australia. They are trying to prepare themselves now by attending Primary and reading the scriptures so that they’ll be the best and most cheerful missionaries they can be.

Photographed by Wendy Seal Manzanares

1. Mom leading the Littleton Fourth Ward Primary

2. Nathan and Matthew reading with their dad

3. On vacation at the 4th of July Freedom Festival, Provo, Utah—in back: Justin, Angela, Danny, Mom, Dad; in front: Melissa, Matthew, Nathan, Trenton.

4. Nathan and Matthew showing off their soccer uniforms

5. Nathan doing a flip on the trampoline
