undefined undefined Stripling Warriors
Stripling Warriors
July 1992

“Stripling Warriors,” Friend, July 1992, 5

Stripling Warriors

They did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives (Alma 56:47).

I can be reverent by showing respect, honor, and love for my parents and family.

The 2,000 faithful young warriors honor their mothers’ teachings and defend their families.

Read: Alma 53:10–21; Alma 56:47–49

Instructions: Remove this page from the magazine, color the figures, and mount them on heavy paper; then cut out the figures and glue pieces of flannel on the backs. Read the scriptures listed, then retell the Book of Mormon story using the figures.

Flannel board figures

Illustrated by Beth Whittaker

Optional: Figures may also be enlarged, mounted on cardboard, and affixed to sticks.