undefined undefined Sharing Time: Let Every Man Esteem His Neighbor
Sharing Time: Let Every Man Esteem His Neighbor
August 1992

“Sharing Time: Let Every Man Esteem His Neighbor,” Friend, Aug. 1992, 12

Sharing Time:

Let Every Man Esteem His Neighbor

There should be an equality among all men; That they should let no pride nor haughtiness disturb their peace; that every man should esteem his neighbor as himself. (Mosiah 27:3–4.)

Laura was looking out the window when Sister Warren asked, “Laura, can you guess from the clues I’ve just given whom we will learn about in our lesson today?”

Rob started to laugh. “Perfect little Laura wasn’t listening!” he teased in a sing-song voice.

Laura could feel her face getting hot. She whirled around, hissing in Rob’s face, “Even when you listen, you never know any answers!”

Sister Warren stepped between them, repeated the clues, and went on with the lesson. Laura and Rob continued to glance angrily at each other.

When Primary was over, Sister Warren asked Laura and Rob to stay for a moment. They stood nervously in front of her chair, expecting her to lecture them. Instead, she picked up her scriptures and turned the pages. When she came to the one she wanted, she wrote “Mosiah 27:3–4” on two small pieces of paper and handed one to each of them, saying, “During King Mosiah’s reign, a strict command was given to all the Church members. Will you find out what it was? Then I’d like you to read it aloud together as part of our class’s Sharing Time presentation next week.”

The opening song in sacrament meeting had not finished before Laura found the scripture. She read it carefully. The parts she understood best were: “There should be an equality among all men” and “every man should esteem his neighbor as himself.”

Laura thought about Rob. She had been unkind. Sometimes she thought that she was a better person than Rob because she usually knew the right answers. Then she remembered that Rob loved to play kickball and was much better at it than she was. She jumped back every time the ball came her way. Laura wondered if there was anything about Rob that was like her.

Rob didn’t remember about the scripture until he was getting ready for church the next Sunday. He found the paper in his pocket. With anticipation, he turned the pages of his Book of Mormon. “Every man should esteem his neighbor as himself.” Instantly he knew that making fun of Laura had been wrong. He felt bad when he remembered how embarrassed she had looked.

When Rob and Laura arrived at Primary, smiled at each other. Sister Warren began Sharing Time by saying, “Did you know that more than five billion people live in this world right now? Did you know that every single one of them is different? And, of course, you know that Heavenly Father created each person and loves everyone.

“When we treat each other with respect, honor, and love, we are showing reverence for Heavenly Father. We must be courteous and kind to every person, even those who seem to be very different from us.”

Then Sister Warren asked her class to pass two question cards to each person so that they could play “We Are Different.” When the game was over, Sister Warren asked Laura and Rob to read the scripture in Mosiah to the Primary. Then Sister Warren said, “Some of you may have noticed how courteous Laura and Rob were as they helped you play this game. Their example helps us see how treating all people with respect is a good way to show reverence for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.”


You can play the same game that Sister Warren’s Primary played. Answer one set of the questions on the next page for yourself, then ask another person the other set. You will learn about ways in which you are different and about ways in which you may be the same. It would be fun to ask the questions to someone you don’t know very well.

We Are Different

  • What is your full name? ________________________________________

  • Where were you born? _________________________________________

  • How many brothers and sisters do you have? ________________________

  • What is your favorite food?_____________________________________

  • Have you ever broken a bone or had an operation? Tell about it._________ __________________________________________________________

  • Have you ever felt lonely or left out? When?________________________ __________________________________________________________

  • What do you like to do when you are alone?_________________________ __________________________________________________________

  • What do you like to do with other people?__________________________ __________________________________________________________

How many answers were the same? How many were different? Learning about others helps us to respect, honor, and love them more. It is a good way to show reverence for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

We are different

Illustrated by Julie F. Young

Sharing Time Ideas

1. Divide the children into groups, giving each group one of the following scriptures: Matthew 7:1–3, Luke 6:31, John 13:34, 1 Corinthians 13:4–5, Ephesians 4:32, Mosiah 27:4, Doctrine and Covenants 38:24–25, Doctrine and Covenants 42:38 [Matt. 7:1–3; 1 Cor. 13:4–5; Eph. 4:32; D&C 38:24–25; D&C 42:38]. Invite each group to discuss the meaning of its scripture and think of a specific application for it in their lives.

2. Divide the children into three groups. Have one group cover their eyes so that they cannot see. Have the second group cover their ears. Explain to the third group that they cannot talk and will not be able to answer the questions. Tell the story about Jesus healing the blind man. (See John 9.) Then, using pictures about it but without explaining them, ask questions that can only be answered by those who can see the pictures. Point and smile at some of the children who are covering their ears, softly asking them questions they cannot hear. Ask the children who were told they cannot speak to respond to some of the questions. Tell everyone that their temporary disabilities are gone now. Lead a discussion of how they felt when they couldn’t see, hear, or speak, and how they can help people with permanent disabilities.

3. Discuss a few rules of courtesy relevant to your culture. Describe everyday situations that happen within the family or at church. Ask several different children to role-play the situations, having the rest of the children identify and contribute ways to make the interactions among the people courteous and respectful.

4. Talk about showing respect to our leaders. Have two Primary leaders role-play a situation in which a leader and a child show respect for each other. Then have a few children come to the front and role-play different situations between Primary and priesthood leaders and children. Younger children may use pantomiming rather than role-playing.

5. Teach the song “We Are Different” (Children’s Songbook, page 263). Each time you sing it, choose a set of children who are different in obvious ways (color of hair, height, age) to come to the front. After you have sung the song, find ways that the children are the same.