Harold Bingham Lee
October 1993

“Harold Bingham Lee,” Friend, Oct. 1993, 5

Harold Bingham Lee

Latter-day Prophets (puzzle-coloring page)

Instructions: Cut out the puzzle squares, put them together to create a picture of this prophet, and read some of the highlights of his life. Glue the picture, its title, and the highlights to another piece of paper, and color it.


Art from Presidents of the Church coloring book: courtesy of Grandin Book, Orem, Utah

  • 1899 March 28, is born in Clifton, Idaho

  • 1916 (age 17) Earns a teaching certificate at Albion State Normal School in Idaho

  • 1917 (age 18) Is appointed the principal of the one-room Silver Star School at Weston, Idaho; serves also as the teacher, the custodian, and the groundkeeper.

  • 1920–22 (age 21–23) Serves a mission to the Western States Mission

  • 1923 (age 24) Marries Fern Lucinda Tanner; she dies in 1962

  • 1930 (age 31) Is called to be president of Pioneer Stake in Salt Lake City; serves during the Depression

  • 1932 (age 32) Is appointed to the Salt Lake City Commission

  • 1935 (age 36) Organizes the Church Security Program (later called the Church Welfare Program)

  • 1941 (age 42) Is called as an Apostle

  • 1961 (age 62) Helps organize the Church Correlation Program

  • 1963 (age 64) Marries Freda Joan Jensen

  • 1970 (age 70) Is called to serve as a counselor in the First Presidency

  • 1972 (age 73) Is sustained as President of the Church; serves only 538 days

  • 1973 (age 74) December 26, dies
