undefined undefined Temple Facts
Temple Facts
November 1993

“Temple Facts,” Friend, Nov. 1993, 14

Temple Facts

Match each statement with the temple it is about.

a. Washington Temple

____ 1. It was prophesied that this temple would be built twenty-six years before it was formally announced.

b. Salt Lake Temple

____ 2. This temple is located in a small town that was settled in 1687 by Huguenot refugees.

c. Portland Oregon Temple

____ 3. This temple has the largest dimensions of any built by the Church.

d. Nuku‘alofa Tonga Temple

____ 4. The host nation’s king attended the groundbreaking ceremony for this temple.

e. Manila Philippines Temple

____ 5. This temple took more than forty years to complete.

f. Alberta Temple

____ 6. This temple was dedicated on Thanksgiving Day, 1919.

g. Hawaii Temple

____ 7. The land for this temple was originally purchased by the Church for a junior college.

h. Frankfurt Germany Temple

____ 8. This temple was built in an octagonal shape and has no spire.

i. Los Angeles Temple

____ 9. Despite threats of a typhoon, two thousand members attended the groundbreaking ceremony for this temple.

j. Manti Temple

____ 10. The site for this temple was purchased from the Harold Lloyd Motion Picture Company.


  • (1) j, (2) h, (3) a, (4) d, (5) b, (6) g, (7) c, (8) f, (9) e, (10) i.