“Behold Your Little Ones,” Friend, Aug. 1994, 12–13 Behold Your Little Ones Words by Marvin K. Gardner Music by Vanja Watkins 1. Then Jesus took their children, one by one. With love, he blessed them. He prayed unto the Father for each one, And then he wept. Then Jesus spoke unto the multitude And said to them: “Behold your little ones.” 2. The multitude looked upward into heav’n. The heavens opened. And angels were descending out of heav’n, As if in fire. The angels circled round those little ones With heav’nly fire, And ministered to them. “Behold your little ones.” Copyright © 1994 by Marvin K. Gardner and Vanja Y. Watkins. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must appear on each copy made.