undefined undefined Old Testament Alphabet Pictures
Old Testament Alphabet Pictures
August 1994

“Old Testament Alphabet Pictures,” Friend, Aug. 1994, 23

Old Testament Alphabet Pictures

The identification of each picture begins with a different letter of the alphabet. Use the scripture references to figure out the twenty-five letters (no word in the Old Testament begins with X), but be careful—some of them are tricky. One picture is of an object that you’ve probably never heard of, and some pictures are of actions.

Old Testament Alphabet Pictures

__ 1. 2 Kgs. 5:6

__ 2. Ezek. 48:31–34

__ 3. 2 Sam. 5:7

__ 4. Ex. 3:7–8

__ 5. 2 Kgs. 6:5

__ 6. Deut. 8:11–18

__ 7. Ex. 26:31–33

__ 8. 1 Kgs. 10:28

__ 9. Ex. 19:3–4

__ 10. Prov. 3:3

__ 11. Mal. 3:16–17

__ 12. 1 Sam. 10:25

__ 13. Deut. 6:8, including footnote b

__ 14. Gen. 25:24

__ 15. Ps. 149:3

__ 16. Gen. 41:41–42

__ 17. Lev. 19:4

__ 18. Isa. 40:31

__ 19. 1 Kgs. 19:18

__ 20. Isa. 40:9, 22

__ 21. Ezek. 18:25

__ 22. Dan. 7:heading

__ 23. Ex. 27:20

__ 24. Zech. 1:8

__ 25. 1 Kgs. 10:1


  • (1) letter, (2) gate, (3) Zion, (4) milk, (5) axe, (6) scorpions, (7) vail (veil), (8) yarn, (9) eagle, (10) write, (11) jewels, (12) book, (13) phylacteries, (14) twins, (15) dance, (16) neck, (17) idol, (18) run, (19) knees, (20) circle, (21) unequal, (22) four, (23) olive, (24) horse, (25) questions.