undefined undefined Riddle Diddles
Riddle Diddles
August 1994

“Riddle Diddles,” Friend, Aug. 1994, 26

Riddle Diddles

  1. If one hundred cats can catch one hundred rats in one hundred minutes, how long will it take six cats to catch six rats?

  2. How often do big ocean liners sink?

  3. On which side does a chicken have the most feathers?

  4. What country is slippery?

  5. What did the little chick say when he thought his mother laid an orange?

  6. How can you close a book without touching it?

  7. What is the easiest way to make a fire with two sticks?

  8. Which berry is the oldest of all?


  • (1) one hundred minutes, (2) only once, (3) the outside, (4) Greece (grease), (5) “Look at that orange marmalade,” (6) have someone else close it, (7) make sure one of them is a match, (8) the elderberry.