My Baptism
May 1996

“My Baptism,” Friend, May 1996, 46

My Baptism

Today I took a closer step

to be with Heavenly Father.

I humbly walked down five white steps

and into clean, clear water.

My loving daddy took my hand

to help me stand up straight—

Just as he has through all my life

till now when I am eight.

My daddy showed me what to do—

breath deep, then hold your nose—

And baptized me with priesthood power

and smiled when I arose.

Tomorrow I’ll take another step

to be with Heavenly Father.

My daddy, uncles, grandpas, too,

will all around me gather.

They’ll lay their hands upon my head,

bless me, and say, “Amen,”

Then the Holy Ghost will be my guide

If I but follow Him.

Photos by Jed Clark
