A Real Friend
October 1996

“A Real Friend,” Friend, Oct. 1996, 11

A Real Friend

Lazy Louise to Marie said, “Oh, please,

Your schoolwork is finished and through.

I didn’t do mine, and it sure would be fine

If I could just copy from you.”

But her friend said, “Indeed, that is not what you need.

I like you too much to give in.

It wouldn’t be smart, and you’d hurt in your heart.

Do your own work. Get started. Begin!”

“Oh, sure, you pretend that you’re really my friend,

But you want me to flunk that dumb class.

I guess you don’t care—or perhaps you don’t dare—

To help me this once so I’ll pass.”

Those mean words came out in a loud, angry shout,

But Louise knew she really was wrong.

So although it was late, she did not hesitate—

Instead, she worked hard and worked long.

Then a feeling of pride started deep down inside.

She was filled with a warm, happy glow.

And she said, “Marie’s neat! She would not let me cheat

And is truly my friend, now I know.”

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki
