The Holy Ghost Speaks Softly
July 1997

“The Holy Ghost Speaks Softly,” Friend, July 1997, 15

The Holy Ghost Speaks Softly

The Holy Ghost speaks softly.

He never shouts, you’ll find.

Instead, He whispers gently

An idea in your mind.

When you’re deciding something

And aren’t sure what to do,

Just listen hard within your heart—

His voice will come to you!

It may be He’ll remind you

Of something Mother said.

Perhaps a verse of scripture

Will pop into your head.

Sometimes you’ll get the feeling

That tells you it’s OK—

Or one that lets you know it’s wrong,

That you should turn away.

And if you want this gift to use,

Each morning when you pray,

Ask Heavenly Father to help you

To listen through the day—

To listen to the promptings

That softly come to you

To bless and help and guide you

In everything you do.

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki
