Old Testament Puzzle
March 1998

“Old Testament Puzzle,” Friend, Mar. 1998, 26

Old Testament Puzzle

First, use the references to learn who these Old Testament people are, then write their names in the boxes. When read down, the letters in the darker boxes will spell a word that is found in the Ten Commandments (see Ex. 20:8, preface).

  1. The boy who served Eli in the temple (see 1 Sam. 1:8–28; 1 Sam. 2:11).

  2. The name of the first man on earth (see Gen. 1:1–28; Gen. 2:19).

  3. The woman who married Isaac (see Gen. 24).

  4. The father of Isaac (see #3).

  5. The mother of Samuel (see #1).

  6. The young woman who left her own country and went with her mother-in-law, Naomi, to Bethlehem (see Ruth 1:1–17, 22).

  7. The man who built an ark to save his family and animals from a great flood (see Gen. 6:9–14, 19–22; Gen. 7:4, 11–14, 24; Gen. 8:13–19).
