Family Home Evening Ideas
October 1998

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Friend, Oct. 1998, 5

Family Home Evening Ideas

If your parents ask you to help plan a family home evening, you may want to use an idea from the Friend. Here are some ideas in this issue that you may like (look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned).

  1. Have a family member read “Testimony” (IFC) by President Gordon B. Hinckley. Talk about how accepting the gospel can bless people’s lives.

  2. Make the flannel-board figures (IBC) and use them to tell how Enoch taught his people to live the gospel so well that they established Zion. Have your mom or dad explain what Zion is or look up “Zion” in the Bible Dictionary.

  3. Tell one or more of these stories—“Letters to Elias Stone” (pages 2–5), “Five-Year-Old Teacher” (page 28), “We Believe …” (pages 8–10), or “Sandy’s Missionary Chart” (pages 36–37). Talk about the many ways we can be missionaries.

  4. Ask a family member to discuss how Elder Lynn G. Robbins (“Friend to Friend,” pages 6–7) prepared for his mission.

  5. Sing “Prophets Then and Now” (pages 38–39) and discuss how important it is to listen to general conference and follow the counsel given.

  6. Make the “Apple Peanut-Butter Boats” (page 31) or the “Creamy Pumpkin Gingerbread” (page 23) for refreshments.

  7. Do one of more of the scripture activities (pages 11, 14–15, 26).
