Five-Year-Old Teacher
October 1998

“Five-Year-Old Teacher,” Friend, Oct. 1998, 28

Five-Year-Old Teacher

(Based on a true incident)

The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple (Ps. 19:7).

My name is Bea and I am five. It is hard being five years old. Today was Fast Sunday, and I’m not old enough to fast two meals. I tried to pour my own milk. It went all over the table.

“Oh, Bea,” my mother said, “you should have asked for help. It is hard for five-year-olds to pour milk.”

After I ate, I started dressing. My favorite dress has a lot of buttons. My big sister said, “Bea, you need help with all those buttons.” I let her help button my dress.

I put my shoes on by myself. I even tied them! Then my big brother said, “Bea, one of your laces is too long. You don’t want to trip over it.” He retied my shoe.

Joey, my baby brother, started to cry. I tried to carry him to Dad, but we fell. Dad said, “Joey’s too heavy for a five-year-old to carry.”

When it was my turn to read from the Book of Mormon before church this morning, Dad helped me a lot because I didn’t know most of the words.

It’s really hard being five.

During fast and testimony meeting, I whispered to Dad, “I want to bear my testimony. Will you go up with me?”

He looked at me. I was afraid that he’d say, “Bea, you are only five. You are too little to bear your testimony.” But he didn’t say that. He took me by the hand and led me to the pulpit. I bore my testimony! It was scary, but I did it all by myself. I said, “I know Jesus died and was resurrected. I love President Hinckley and Joseph Smith. I am grateful to be able to come to church. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

My dad held my hand, but he didn’t sit down. He stood by me and bore his testimony. He said, “Bea is a great teacher in our family. When she bore her testimony, I was reminded of the time when Christ came to the Nephites. He taught the children many marvelous things, and then they taught their parents. Bea has reminded me of the Savior’s mission. I am so grateful for Bea’s example. A five-year-old child can do great things.”

I was wonderfully happy. I had done something important. I was an example for my Savior by bearing my testimony. Although it is hard, I’m glad that I am five.

Illustrated by Elise Black
