October 1998

“Sisters,” Friend, Oct. 1998, 30


I have a little sister

Who looks a lot like me.

She wants to be a big girl, too,

Though she is only three.

When I’m at school, she’s in my room,

Playing with my dolls.

Once she took my roller skates

And skated down the hall.

She put on my pink leotard

And tried to dance ballet.

She wants to do the things I do

And play the games I play.

When I get home from school, I do

My homework right away.

My sister colors by my side

And waits for me to play.

At night I set the table

And wash the dishes too.

My sister’s right behind me,

Learning what to do.

I have a little sister

Who looks a lot like me.

She knows a lot about the world

’Cause she’s been watching me.

Color this picture. (Illustrated by Elise Black.)

Photos by Tamra Hamblin
