Prophets Then and Now
October 1998

“Prophets Then and Now,” Friend, Oct. 1998, 38

Prophets Then and Now

1. In olden times, Jehovah told

His will thru prophets’ voice.

They spoke for Him: “Thus saith the Lord.

Now hearken and rejoice! Hearken and rejoice!

2. In latter days, Jehovah tells

His will thru prophets’ voice.

So I will listen and obey

To gain eternal joys, gain eternal joys.

3. Today Jehovah’s prophet speaks

I’ll hearken to his voice

As if the Savior spoke to me,

Then make a righteous choice, make a righteous choice.

Copyright © 1998 by Penelope Moody Allen and Kenneth Jones. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home or church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Music, Prophets Then and Now

Photo by Jed Clark
