“Contents,” Friend, Nov. 1998
Stories and Features
Tithing: A PrivilegeElder Ronald E. Poelman
RememberingApril Gohier
Friend to FriendRebecca M. Taylor and Bishop Keith B. McMullin
What’s Sensational?Nancy Merz Roberts
Books! Books! Books!
Sharing Time: Giving ThanksSydney Reynolds
“It’ll Make Your Arms Strong”Ann S. Bushman
Subscription Forms, New/Gift
Family Gift TreeLori Kerr
The Creation—Each Day a Gift
Thomas’s Prayer for PeaceApril Gohier
Matt and Mandy
Making Friends: Arietana of Buota, KiribatiJoyce Findlay
Our Creative Friends
Friends in the News
Trying to Be Like Jesus Christ: Prayer of FaithCorliss Clayton
For Little Friends
“My Heavenly Father Loves Me”Pat Graham
Eat-a-BugShauna Mooney Kawasaki
“If I Were” GameJane K. Priewe
Ark Paths
Happy NathanClare Miseles
“Magic” CeilingArthur Nelson
Things to Make and Do
Kitchen KraftsVenita Helton
Old-Testament-People GamesJulie Wardell
Cover art tile used by permission of Jerusalem pottery, Karakashian Brothers, Jerusalem; photos by Jody Irey; mosaic art electronically composed by Patric Gerber