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Good Books for Little Friends
July 1999

“Good Books for Little Friends,” Friend, July 1999, 30

Good Books for Little Friends

Busybody Brandy by Jessie Haas A farm dog, Brandy helps oversee all the other animals. They think that he is a busybody, but Brandy is only doing his job. And he does it very well—especially when the weasel and the fox come around!

P is for Pioneers by Melanie Zabriskie Carmack Each letter in this alphabet book presents poetically something of importance for LDS children. A scripture about each beautifully illustrated subject is included. Could be used for family home evening lessons or Primary talks.

The Brook by Alfred Tennyson Lovely, lively illustrations follow the brook as it chatters and babbles past fields and farms, fishermen and sweethearts, and under “half a hundred” bridges till it at last joins the “brimming river.” A few unfamiliar words are explained at the end of this classic poem.

Alejandro’s Gift by Richard E. Albert Living in the desert with only his burro, Alejandro was lonely. But when he watered his garden, a squirrel came for a drink. As more small desert creatures came, he wondered if he could help the thirsty larger desert animals. This beautifully illustrated story ends with an interesting glossary of some of the plants and animals shown.

I Don’t Want to Go Back to School by Marisabina Russo Ben had liked first grade, but what if his friends didn’t remember him now? What if his teacher was mean? What if he didn’t know any answers to the teacher’s questions? It didn’t help that his older sister teased him. …