undefined undefined Gospel Threes
Gospel Threes
July 1999

“Gospel Threes,” Friend, July 1999, 23

Gospel Threes

Use the scripture references to help you complete the information about these gospel “threes.”

  1. Daniel’s three friends who were thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing to pray to idols were ______________, ______________, and ______________. (See Dan. 1:6–7; Dan. 3:12, 19–22.)

  2. ____________ was in the belly of a ____________ for three days and three nights. (See Jonah 1:17.)

  3. Of faith, hope, and charity, the greatest (most important) of these three is _______________. (See 1 Cor. 13:13.)

  4. _______________, _______________, and _______________ are the three kingdoms, or degrees of glory, in Heavenly Father’s kingdom. (See D&C 76:91–92, heading.)

  5. On the third day of Creation, God called the dry land ______________ and the waters He called ______________. (See Gen. 1:10–13.)

  6. ______________ could not open his mouth for three days and three nights after seeing an angel. (See Alma 36:9–10, heading.)

  7. In the Book of Mormon, there was no _______________ seen for three days after the death of Jesus Christ. (See 3 Ne. 8:22–23, heading.)

  8. Jesus Christ took His three disciples ______________, ______________, and ______________ to a high mountain and was transfigured (appeared in a glorified state) before them. (See Matt. 17:1–2.)

  9. The third article of faith says that we “may be saved, by obedience to the ______________ and ____________ of the Gospel” (A of F 1:3).

  10. The Savior promised the Three Nephites that they would never taste of ______________ and would live to see Him come in His glory. (See 3 Ne. 28:4–7, heading.)

  11. The third commandment given to ______________ for the children of Israel was “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in ______________.” (See Ex. 19:23, Ex. 20:7.)

  12. Jesus Christ told ______________ that he would deny Him three times before the cock crowed. (See Matt. 26:33–34.)


  • (1) Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego; (2) Jonah, fish; (3) charity, (4) celestial, terrestrial, telestial; (5) Earth, Seas; (6) Alma; (7) light; (8) Peter, James, John; (9) laws, ordinances; (10) death; (11) Moses, vain; (12) Peter.

The Fiery Furnace by William Maughan, The Transfiguration by Greg Olsen, Peter’s Denial by Carl Heinrich Bloch