undefined undefined No Rain, No Rainbow
No Rain, No Rainbow
August 1999

“No Rain, No Rainbow,” Friend, Aug. 1999, 23

No Rain, No Rainbow

The following are proverbs from around the world. The country each comes from is in parentheses. Can you guess the missing word just by reading each sentence? Fill in the blank with the missing word.

a. foot

1. The house with an old ______________ harbors a jewel. (Japan)

b. grandparent

2. Truth keeps the hand cleaner than ______________. (Africa)

c. hands

3. Better to make a ______________ than to yearn for fish at the edge of a pond. (China)

d. hat

4. Everyone must row with the ______________ he has. (Germany)

e. hen

5. No rain, no ______________. (Jamaica)

f. melon

6. Do not wait until you are thirsty to dig a ______________. (China)

g. net

7. If you kick a stone because you are angry, you will only hurt your ______________. (Korea)

h. oaks

8. Little strokes fell great ______________. (England)

i. oars

9. Don’t save the egg and lose the ______________. (Russia)

j. oil

10. Even the prettiest shoe makes a sorry ______________. (Japan)

k. rainbow

11. Many ______________ make quick work. (Germany)

l. road

12. No matter how far you have gone on a wrong ______________, turn back! (Turkey)

m. silver

13. Sow melon, reap ______________; sow beans, reap beans. (China)

n. soap

14. Truth and ______________ come to the surface. (Italy)

o. well

15. New friends are like ______________, but old ones are like gold. (United States)


  • (1) b, (2) n, (3) g, (4) i, (5) k, (6) o, (7) a, (8) h, (9) e, (10) d, (11) c, (12) l, (13) f, (14) j, (15) m.