Climb to the Top
October 1999

“Climb to the Top,” Friend, Oct. 1999, 26

Climb to the Top

Match these well-known mountains with the places where they are located.

1. Aconcagua

a. Argentina

2. Ararat

b. Australia

3. Ben Nevis

c. Canada

4. Kilimanjaro

d. Egypt

5. Matterhorn

e. Japan

6. Mount Everest

f. Mexico

7. Mount Fuji

g. Nepal/Tibet

8. Mount Kosciusko

h. Scotland

9. Mount Logan

i. Switzerland/Italy

10. Mount McKinley

j. Tanzania

11. Mount Sinai

k. Turkey

12. Popocatépetl

l. United States of America


  • (1) a, (2) k, (3) h, (4) j, (5) i, (6) g, (7) e, (8) b, (9) c, (10) l, (11) d, (12) f.
