undefined undefined Family Home Evening Ideas
Family Home Evening Ideas
December 1999

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Friend, Dec. 1999, 6

Family Home Evening Ideas

If your parents ask you to help plan a family home evening, you may want to use an idea from the Friend. Here are some ideas in this issue that you may like (look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned):

  1. Learn the poem “First Christmas” (IFC) and recite it to your family. Ask an older family member to read the message from the First Presidency (pages 2–3). Invite each family member to tell what he or she thinks is important about Christmas.

  2. Tell the story “Christmas Eve in Bethlehem” (pages 30–32). Discuss ways your family can make sure that the Savior is at the center of all your holiday celebrations.

  3. Prepare the picture-strip presentation “The Christmas Story” (pages 18–19) and tell the story of the Savior’s birth. Then use the flannel-board figures (page 11) to talk about the time when “Jesus Christ Will Come Again” (page 10). Talk about how the blessings of His birth help us to prepare for His Second Coming.

  4. Together read the story “Red Mittens” (pages 38–39) or “The Man on the Bike” (pages 40–43). As a family, plan to do something special for a lonely or needy person.

  5. Spend an evening making one or more of the gifts or treats in the “Christmas Workshop” (pages 12–13 and 28–29) and share them with a neighbor or other friend.

  6. Together learn the song “Lullaby, Little One” (pages 8–9). Sing several other Christmas songs that your family enjoys. Encourage family members to make holiday music part of every day during December.

  7. Make some “Red-Nosed Reindeer Sandwiches” (page 20) for refreshments.