Family Treasure
July 2000

“Family Treasure,” Friend, July 2000, 38

Family Treasure

To play this game as an activity for family home evening, cut out the clues. Change any clues that don’t work for your home. Keep Clue #1. Hide the rest of the clues as follows:

Clue #2 on a bookshelf

Clue #3 by a set of scriptures

Clue #4 on a piano or in a songbook

Clue #5 where you meet for family home evening

Clue #6 by the television set

Clue #7 near suitcases or backpacks used on vacations

Clue #8 with cleaning or gardening supplies

Clue #9 where family prayer is held

Clue #10 where games are kept

Hide a treasure on the dining table, in the refrigerator, or in a turned-off oven. The treasure could be a treat, like the “Tuna Spaceship” or the “Zippy Fruit Salad” found on page 47.

When you’re ready to begin the game, give your family the first clue and let them begin the hunt. If they have trouble finding a clue, give them a hint.

Clue 1
A family that reads together has fun learning together.

Clue 2
A family that searches the scriptures together learns how to become an eternal family.

Clue 3
The family that sings together feels close to each other.

Clue 4
The family that has family home evening together grows together.

Clue 5
Watching good television programs together can be fun family entertainment.

Clue 6
Going on a vacation can bring a family closer together.

Clue 7
A family that works together gains respect and love for one another.

Clue 8
A family that prays together feels close to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Clue 9
A family that plays together learns to love being together.

Clue 10
A family that has meals together gets to know each other.
