How Can I Help?
August 2000

“How Can I Help?” Friend, Aug. 2000, inside front cover

How Can I Help?

(Adapted from an April 1999 general conference address. See Ensign, May 1999, pages 30–31.)

The Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity, which charity is love (2 Ne. 26:30).

In January of 1999, an earthquake in the central mountain region of Colombia left the city of Armenia devastated. Many Church members lost their homes. They found shelter in the four undamaged chapels but urgently needed food and clothing.

The Relief Society and priesthood leaders swung into action, and donations from members throughout Colombia poured into a designated chapel in each city. Seven-year-old Neidi had come with her parents to the chapel in the city of Cali and watched as Bishop Villareal received donations from members.

“Bishop, how can I help the children in Armenia?”

“Neidi, your parents have already helped.”

She went to the other end of the chapel and observed that little clothing and no shoes for children were being packed. Neidi came back to the bishop with her shoes in her hand. “Now I know how I can help. Please give these shoes to another little girl in Armenia who has lost hers.” Her bare feet made no sound as she slipped away.

The Savior wants us to love others as He loves them. It is not necessary for us to lay down our life for others as He did. But like the Savior, we should bless the lives of others by giving of what our life is made up of—our time, our talents, our means, and ourselves.

Illustrated by Dilleen Marsh
