Counting Blessings
November 2000

“Counting Blessings,” Friend, Nov. 2000, 5

Counting Blessings

One day, I started writing down

My blessings one by one.

I filled both sides of seven sheets

And still did not get done.

I wrote down, “friends and family,

And legs that run and hop,

A cozy bed and clothes to wear,

And, of course, my mom and pop.”

I’m grateful for so many things—

For sunsets, trees, and rain,

For eyes to see and ears to hear,

For being free from pain.

I wrote the name of Jesus down—

I’m thankful most for Him—

Then added, “scriptures, music, love,

And my new puppy, Tim.”

And now whenever I feel down

And don’t know what to do,

I get my blessings notebook out

And add a page or two.

Illustrated by Richard Hull
