My Church
November 2000

“My Church,” Friend, Nov. 2000, 18


My Church

Worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in (Alma 34:38).

David would not budge. “I don’t want this church. I want my church.”

“It will be OK, I promise,” Mom said.

David did not want to go. But he did not want to stay in the car, either. So he climbed out and took Mom’s hand.

Dad held open the big glass door as David and Mom walked in. David saw a second door. He put his nose to the glass and his hands next to his eyes so that he could peek in. Then he said, “My church has two doors, just like this one.”

“Yes, it does,” Mom said.

A tall man in a blue suit walked up to them. He shook Dad’s hand and said, “I’m Bishop Morris.”

“We’re the Bennetts. My name is Greg. This is my wife, Sharon, and this is our son, David,” Dad said.

The bishop shook David’s hand.

“My church has a bishop,” David said.

“He’s a little homesick for our old ward,” Mom explained.

“Welcome, David,” the bishop said.

David walked over to the chapel doors with his parents. A boy gave him a program. Then the family sat on a side bench. David picked up a hymnbook. “My church has benches with book holders.”

“Yes, it does,” Dad said.

David listened to the song and prayer. He watched the podium go up and down. He saw the priests stand up to prepare the sacrament. When the deacons passed the sacrament, he took one piece of bread. Later, the water came, and he remembered to return the sacrament cup.

“My church has the sacrament. And I know that’s the time to think about Jesus,” he whispered.

“Yes, it is,” Mom whispered.

While the speaker told a story, David drew pictures about it on his program. Soon it was time for Primary.

A tall lady with a nice smile walked up to the Bennetts. “I’m Sister Lee. Can I help your son find his Primary class?”

“My church has a CTR class,” David said.

“We have one, too,” Sister Lee replied. “I can take you there.”

David kissed his mom and went with Sister Lee. They walked by a drinking fountain. Sister Lee pointed to a door with a word on it. “That’s the boys’ restroom, in case you need it,” she said and winked at him.

“My church has restrooms,” he said, winking back.

He went to class and listened to a lesson about faith. They colored a picture of Nephi building a ship. Then the class went to Sharing Time. They stopped for a drink on the way.

“What song do you want to sing?” the music leader asked. David sat up tall and raised his hand. The music leader pointed to him.

“My church has ‘Book of Mormon Stories,’” he said.

“Would you like to sing it?” she asked.

He nodded. Everybody sang, including David.

After closing exercises, his parents came for him. They walked down the hall, and David pointed to a picture of President Gordon B. Hinckley. “My church has a picture of the prophet right there.”

“No, it didn’t,” Dad said.

“Yes, it does,” David said. “This is my church now.”

Illustrated by Elise Black
