Jaimy Strohbehn of Omaha, Nebraska
November 2000

“Jaimy Strohbehn of Omaha, Nebraska,” Friend, Nov. 2000, 44

Making Friends:

Jaimy Strohbehn of Omaha, Nebraska

For seven-year-old Jaimy Strohbehn of Omaha, Nebraska, being a big sister is nothing new. After all, she’s been practicing since her four-year-old brother, Alexander, was born, and even more since her brother Andrew joined the family. But with a brand-new baby sister, Zoe, Jaimy has even more opportunity to set an example in her family and to help out at home—and she doesn’t mind at all. In fact, home is her favorite place to be, because that is where her family is.

Jaimy helps her parents by feeding Teddy, the family dog, and by setting the table and cleaning her room, even though the last two are her least favorite chores. But when the work is all done, she looks forward to joining friends outside to roller-blade or ride her bike.

She enjoys making crafts of all kinds, and she helps Alex make projects of his own. She is also learning how to play the piano and likes to sing along while playing her favorite Primary songs.

Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is very important to Jaimy. She loves to attend Primary, and it is extra special for her because most of her family are there with her. Her mother is in the Primary presidency, her father and grandmother are Primary teachers, and Alex is there, too! One thing she has learned in Primary is that “The Holy Ghost helps me to always choose the right, and He comforts me.”

Jaimy is very aware of her upcoming baptism and is working hard to make sure that she is ready for it. She is preparing by reading the scriptures every day with her family, listening to her Primary lessons, trying to always choose the right, and going to her friends’ baptisms. She is most looking forward to baptism so that she can continue on the path to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again. She is eager to become an official member of the Church. By setting this important example, Jaimy hopes that her brothers and sister will also have a desire to be baptized.

Because there are not many Latter-day Saint children living close by, Jaimy knows that she has a responsibility to set an example for her neighbors. The whole Strohbehn family knows that this will be especially important with the building of the temple in nearby Council Bluffs, Iowa. They think that the temple will help others around them understand more about the Church. And with the temple so near to their home, they know that their family can be blessed by frequent temple attendance.

Jaimy says that the principle of the gospel she is most grateful for is “being sealed to my family for eternity.” After all, what more could a big sister ask?

Photographed by Julie D. Awerkamp

Alex and Jaimy

With Teddy

Playing the piano

With her Primary class

With her baby siter, Zoe

Riding her bike

The Old Mill Ward, (Omaha Nebraska Papillion Stake), Primary children

Jaimy with her dad before her baptism, which took place after this article was written

Alex, Andrew, and Jaimy enjoying a meal together
