Jesus and His Heavenly Father’s House
February 2001

“Jesus and His Heavenly Father’s House,” Friend, Feb. 2001, 8

Jesus and His Heavenly Father’s House

Chapter 13


Jesus went to Jerusalem to the temple. Many people went there to make a sacrifice by killing an animal and burning it on an altar. The sacrifice helped people think about the Savior, who would sacrifice Himself by suffering and dying for them. Lev. 1:3–9; Moses 5:5–7; John 2:13

Animal vendors in the temple

Because some people did not have an animal to sacrifice, men sold animals to them in the temple. The men just wanted to get money. They did not think about God. John 2:14

Jesus didn’t like seeing those men in the temple

Jesus saw the men selling the animals in the temple. He said that the temple was His Heavenly Father’s house, a holy place. He did not want the men to sell things there. John 2:16

He chased them out and released the animals

Jesus made a whip, overturned the tables, threw the money on the floor, and made the men leave the temple. He would not let the men sell animals and be irreverent in Heavenly Father’s house. John 2:15–16

Illustrated by Robert T. Barrett
