From Latter-day Prophets: David O. McKay
April 2001

“From Latter-day Prophets: David O. McKay,” Friend, Apr. 2001, inside front cover

From Latter-day Prophets:
David O. McKay

The record which we bear is the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ (D&C 76:14).

David O. McKay

At this month’s general conference we will be able to hear teachings and testimonies from our current prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley, and other Church leaders. As we listen carefully, we will learn what Heavenly Father wants us to do. And as we listen to and obey their counsel, our testimonies will grow and we will draw nearer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. At the end of a general conference many years ago, Church President David O. McKay told the Saints how grateful he was for the teachings and testimonies that had been given: (Painting of David O. McKay by Alvin Gittins.)

We have come to the closing session of another great conference of the Church. My soul, with yours, has been filled with thanksgiving and gratitude to our Heavenly Father for the outpouring of his Holy Spirit throughout the entire conference. …

We have had testimony of the Spirit that we are children of our Father in heaven. We have had testimony that God is a living being. We have had testimony that Christ, who was crucified and who rose the third day a resurrected being, is the head of his Church. We have had testimony of the Spirit that he has revealed in this dispensation the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is again established on earth in all its fullness. …

God bless us that we may go home with a firmer resolve than we have ever had before to live the gospel of Jesus Christ, to be kind to our families and to our neighbors, to be honest in all our dealings so that men seeing our good works may be led to glorify our Father in heaven. …

May God bless you all, and may he guide and help you that righteousness, harmony, and love for one another may dwell in each home, I pray.
(Conference Report, October 1966, pages 136–138.)

Photo of President Gordon B. Hinckley by Jed Clark. Photo at right © PhotoDisc
