Guide to the Friend
June 2001

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, June 2001, 48

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. Look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned in Family Home Evening Ideas.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  1. Read “A Lesson for Mother” (pages 2–3), then make two lists—“Things We Need to Stop Doing to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy” and “Things We Can Do on the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy.” Post the lists to help you remember.

  2. Ask a family member to tell the story “Claire In-Line” (pages 8–9). Look at “Be a Standard-Bearer” (pages 24–25), and discuss which of the standards Claire was following by her choice. Go through all the standards and discuss ways you can follow them.

  3. Assign a younger family member to learn and present the poem “Stopping for Daddy” (page 31). Then tell the story “The Errand” (pages 18–20). Ask your father to tell each of you the kind of person he wants you to become.

  4. Do the “President Wilford Woodruff Crossword” (page 41), then read the story “Wilford Woodruff, Fisherman of the Lord” (pages 34–35). Share ways that you have tried to share the gospel with others.

  5. Make the cutouts as directed and use them to tell the story “Seek, Then Follow the Prophet’s Counsel” (pages 42–43). Invite a family member or a friend who has served a mission to share some missionary experiences, or tell the story “Teresa’s Dream” (pages 44–45).

  6. Do the music activity “Follow the Prophet” (pages 46–47) for a fun evening.

  7. Make “Peanut Butter Smiles” or “Bacon Cheddar Muffins” (page 22) for refreshments.

How To Honor Dad

  1. Write in your journal about a time you chose the right by obeying your father even though you didn’t want to. Were you glad that you did?

  2. Tell your father that you love him. Show him your love by doing your chores without being asked, being reverent during family home evening, leaving a nice note or picture about things he does to make you happy under his pillow.

  3. Ask your dad to tell you stories about when he was a child, or ask your mom, a grandparent, aunt, or uncle to tell you about him. Write your favorite story about him in your journal.
