From Latter-day Prophets: Spencer W. Kimball
August 2001

“From Latter-day Prophets: Spencer W. Kimball,” Friend, Aug. 2001, 7

From Latter-day Prophets:
Spencer W. Kimball

We can get direction all along our way, If we heed the prophets (Children’s Songbook, page 111).

President Spencer W. Kimball

Drawing of Spencer W. Kimball by Ted Henninger

When Spencer W. Kimball was President of the Church, many people felt afraid of war and other disasters. President Kimball told Church members to not be afraid. He taught them that they could prepare for difficult times by saving money, clothes, and food, and by working harder to share the gospel.

As Sister Kimball and I have traveled to many places of the world these past six months, I have been heartened and gratified with the vitality and growth of the Church and the devotion and unselfish service of the members in the stakes, wards, and missions.

In this conference we have been counseled to conserve our resources and ease the financial burdens on our people. Again we urge the planting of home gardens and the maintenance of a year’s supply of food and clothing against a time of need.

We urge all Latter-day Saints to be good neighbors and to be good citizens, loyal to their flag and country. … We have been urged to qualify ourselves to receive all the ordinances and blessings of the gospel by keeping the commandments, doing our duty, and paying a true tithe and generous fast offerings.

We are all very much aware, my brothers and sisters, that the world is in turmoil. We are continually being tried and tested as individuals and as a church. There are more trials yet to come, but be not discouraged nor dismayed. … With faith and good works, the truth will prevail. This is His work. There is none other like it. Let us, therefore, press forward, lengthening our stride and rejoicing in our blessings and opportunities.

We ask our Heavenly Father to give you power to extend your knowledge to the people in your neighborhood who need it and to take the gospel to areas in the world that need those great blessings now more than ever.

My brethren and sisters, I testify to you that this is the Lord’s work and that it is true. We are on the Lord’s errand.
(Ensign, May 1981, pages 78–79.)

Photo © Digital Stock; digitally enhanced by Mark Robison
