undefined undefined Hink Pinks
Hink Pinks
August 2001

“Hink Pinks,” Friend, Aug. 2001, 37

Hink Pinks

A Hink Pink is a set of two rhyming words with the same number of syllables. Use the clues to figure out the Hink Pinks below. (Example: hog dance is pig jig.)

  1. Obese feline

  2. Arid insect

  3. Close doe

  4. Distant vehicle

  5. Humid airplane

  6. Phony viper

  7. Insect embrace

  8. Amphibian swamp

  9. Grizzly gaze

  10. Rodent cap


  • (1) fat cat, (2) dry fly, (3) near deer, (4) far car, (5) wet jet, (6) fake snake, (7) bug hug, (8) frog bog, (9) bear stare, (10) rat hat.