Family Valentine Pockets
February 2002

“Family Valentine Pockets,” Friend, Feb. 2002, 41

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Family Valentine Pockets

Anytime is a good time to tell your family you love them. February and Valentine Day remind us to do it in a special way.

Have each family member make his or her own Valentine Pocket and hang it on the outside of his or her bedroom doorknob. During the days and weeks before Valentine Day, write compliments or put candies in the Valentine Pockets of your family members.

To make each Pocket, you will need: 2 large paper plates, a hole punch, scissors, red yarn (or other color), and decorations of your choice (construction paper, stickers, paint, markers, etc.).

  1. Cut one paper plate in half. Save one half for another pocket.

  2. Form a pocket by placing the half plate upside down on top of the whole plate, with the rims lining up at the bottom. Hold in place and punch holes around the edges about 1/2″ (1.3 cm) apart (see illustration).

  3. Starting near the top, lace the yarn through the holes of the entire paper plate, leaving a 14″ (36 cm) tail. With the tail, tie a bow on the top (see illustration). The yarn will hold the pocket in place on the bottom, and serve as a hanger on top.

  4. Decorate the Valentine Pocket with stickers, paint, construction-paper hearts, or anything you’d like! Be sure to put your name on it.


Illustrated by Mark Robison
