March 2002

“Childviews,” Friend, Mar. 2002, inside front cover


Bike Accident

One day I was riding my bike, and I fell down and cut my knee. It hurt really bad. I prayed to Heavenly Father to help my knee feel better, and it did. I love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Mark Lawrence, age 7
Costa Mesa, California

A Simple Phone Call

I called Victoria, my best friend, on Thursday. I was excited and nervous. When she answered, I asked her if she would come to church with me. She said that she would! I was so excited. I also felt all warm inside. I knew that the Lord was pleased with what I did.

Victoria asked me what time church was. I told her it was from eleven o’clock to two o’clock. She asked if we could pick her up. I answered that we would pick her up around ten-thirty.

When I got off the phone, I told my mom what Victoria had said. I even called my dad at work just to tell him. I couldn’t wait until Sunday. I thought, And all I had to do was make a simple phone call!

Kathleen Harris, age 10
Orange Park, Florida

Sabbath Day Award

Last year in Cub Scouts, we were asked to design a crest, drawn on paper. The theme was “Yesteryear,” and only eight pictures out of the whole district were chosen. These pictures were then designed on a crest for all the Cub Scouts in the district.

I drew a covered wagon, and my picture was chosen to be on the crest. At the Cub Scout camp, a special presentation was to be made, and the eight boys whose designs were chosen were to be presented with a special award.

My Cub leader told me this would take place on Sunday morning at ten o’clock. I didn’t know what to do. If I went, it would mean that I would miss church. My mom said that I could decide. I thought about it, and I said a prayer. I told my mom that I didn’t want to miss church. I received my award later. I felt good about the choice I’d made.

Caleb Johnson, age 9
Orono, Ontario, Canada

Time Out

One time, I was annoying my sisters. My mom sent me to time-out in my bedroom. That made me so angry that I threw a terrible fit.

While I was in my room, I decided to pray. I started thinking of my blessings and thanking Heavenly Father for them. As I did this, I started to feel peace in my heart. The angry feelings I had toward Mom went away. I know that the Holy Ghost helped me feel that way, and I have a testimony of prayer.

Jonah Leavitt, age 6
West Linn, Oregon

Illustrated by Brad Teare
