“Testimony,” Friend, Mar. 2002, 27
He lives! He whom the shepherds
And the Wise Men sought so long ago,
Who in the temple, as a boy,
Taught things only a God could know.
He lives! who fed the multitude
With two fish and five loaves of bread,
Who healed a blind man’s eyes with clay,
Made whole the sick, and raised the dead.
He lives! who walked upon the water,
Calmed the winds, and soothed the sea,
Who blessed the little children as
They clustered round about His knee.
He lives! who in Gethsemane
Bore every pain and sin of man,
Who gave His life at Calvary,
Then left His tomb to rise again—
He lives!
Three Wise Men by Minerva Teichert, used by permission of BYU Museum of Art; He Annointed the Eyes of the Blind Man by Walter Rane; Stilling the Storm by Ted Henninger; Prayer at Gethsemane © Del Parson