The Lost Coin
March 2002

“The Lost Coin,” Friend, Mar. 2002, 17

The Lost Coin

The Second Parable

The lost coin

A woman had ten silver coins. She lost one of the coins and looked all through the house for it. Luke 15:8

The woman was happy to find her coin

At last she found the coin. She was so happy that she called her friends and neighbors to tell them. They were happy, too, that she had found the lost coin. Luke 15:9

The angels are happy when we repent

The friends and neighbors in the story are like the angels of God. The angels are very happy when a lost Church member is found and cared for. Luke 15:10

Jesus is happy when we repent

Jesus said that Church members are like the woman in the story and that the lost coin is like a member who has become less active in the Church and is lost. He wants Church members to find the lost brother or sister and to care for them and bring them back. He is very happy when this happens. Jesus the Christ, pages 455–456

Illustrated by Paul Mann
