“David and Goliath,” Friend, July 2002, 32–33
David and Goliath
President Gordon B. Hinckley has told us that we can defeat temptation, just as David slew Goliath, the Philistine giant. Ask a parent to tell you David’s story from 1 Samuel 17:1–51. To reenact this great Old Testament account, mount page 33 on poster board or heavy paper. Then cut out the background scenery, Goliath, David’s arm and sling, and the stone-throwing device. With a pencil point, punch a small hole in David’s arm and shoulder at A, the scenery and stone-throwing device at B, and Goliath’s foot and the scenery at C. Then attach the moving parts with paper fasteners as shown in the illustration (with the stone-throwing device on the back of the scenery). Whenever you feel tempted to do something wrong, remember President Hinckley’s promise. Remind yourself of David’s victory by swinging his arm and sling, flinging the stone to hit Goliath on the head, and then making him crash onto his back.
![David and Goliath](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/magazine/friendlp.nfo:o:fee.jpg)
Illustrated by Carol Stevens