undefined undefined Boat Salad
Boat Salad
August 2002

“Boat Salad,” Friend, Aug. 2002, 31

Boat Salad

Big boats are called ships. Ask an older person to look up “Ship” in the Topical Guide to the Bible and read or tell you one of the stories referred to while you make your Boat Salad.

To make a Boat Salad, you will need: 1 package (3 ounces/85 g) blueberry gelatin, canned peach or canned apricot halves (drained), toothpicks, slices of stiff cheese, small pieces of lettuce.

  1. Prepare the gelatin according to the package directions. Pour a small amount onto five salad plates and let set in the refrigerator. These are the lakes.

  2. Place pieces of lettuce around each lake.

  3. Set a peach or apricot half, cut-side-up, in the middle of each lake for the boat. Cut the cheese into small rectangles and thread a toothpick through each one for a sail. Place a sail in the center of each boat.

Illustrated by Brian Bean