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August 2002
Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice: “As a Little Child”
Thomas S. Monson
Grandma’s Doll
Mary Kimball Mackey
Special Witness: To Save Our Ancestors
David B. Haight
Friend to Friend: The Witness of the Holy Ghost
Kimberly Webb and Robert S. Wood
The Pharisee and the Publican
Jesus Blesses the Children
Fully-Charged Flashlight
Sheila Kindred
Temple Cards
Cameron Blackwell of Jeffersonville, Indiana
Donna Alldaffer and Richard M. Romney
Temple Crossword
Lois Thompson Bartholomew
Temple Time
Kimberly Webb
Bonny Dahlsurd
For Little Friends
Stacy’s Prayer
Linda Pratt
Smiley O’Reilly
Judy Murphy
The Lord’s Temple
Stacey Rasmussen
Boat Salad
Lee Hill-Nelson
Sharing the Harvest
Arthur Barrett
Sharing Time: “The Heart of the Children”
Vicki F. Matsumori
Journal Page
Emily Orgill
Trying to Be Like Jesus Christ
Member Missionaries
David Smith
Birthday Party Gossip
Amy Millett
Fasting for Grandma
Nathaniel Robinson
In the Doctor’s Office
Susanne Perkins
From the Life of President Harold B. Lee
His Eternal Family
Service Through Temple Work
Finding Grandpa Oskar
Kathy Sowa Birdsall
Guide to the Friend
“Funstuf,” Friend, Aug. 2002, 23