The Rich Young Man
September 2002

“The Rich Young Man,” Friend, Sept. 2002, 10

The Rich Young Man

Chapter 42

rich man

One day a very rich young man came to Jesus and asked Him what he should do to go to heaven. Mark 10:17


The Savior told him to obey God’s commandments, to love and honor his father and mother, and to not kill anyone or lie or steal. The rich young man said that he had always obeyed those commandments. Mark 10:18–20


Jesus loved the young man. Wanting to help him, Jesus told him that he needed to do one more thing—sell everything he had and give the money to the poor, then follow Him. If the young man did that, he could go to heaven. Mark 10:21

young man

The rich young man did not want to give away everything he had. He loved his possessions more than he loved God. The young man left sad. Mark 10:22


The Savior told His disciples that it is hard for those who love riches to go to heaven. Not understanding, they asked who can live with God. Jesus said that people who love God with all their hearts can live with Him in heaven. Mark 10:23, 26, 29–30

Illustrated by Robert T. Barrett
