undefined undefined The Spirit of Christmas
The Spirit of Christmas
December 2002

“The Spirit of Christmas,” Friend, Dec. 2002, 30

The Spirit of Christmas

Ensign, December 1998, page 2

Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people (Luke 2:10).

As a young elder, I had been called to the old Primary Children’s Hospital on North Temple Street … in Salt Lake City. There were children to be blessed. It was the Christmas season. I had never been in a children’s hospital before.

As our group entered the foyer, we noticed an attractively decorated Christmas tree, with beautifully wrapped gifts beneath its boughs.

A feeling of sympathy welled up within me as I noticed these tiny children, many with legs or arms in large plaster casts. Some were ever so weak and pale.

A young lad called out to us, “Will you give me a blessing?” Of course the blessing was given. I shall ever remember placing my hands on the … head of that faithful boy who was desperately ill. As we left his side, he looked up into my eyes and said, “Thank you, Brother Monson.”

We walked away, only to hear him call out, “Oh, Brother Monson, merry Christmas to you.” I could scarcely see him for the tears in my eyes. He had that glow about him that comes only at Christmastime. That boy trusted in his Heavenly Father. He acknowledged the priesthood of God. His faith was unwavering. I felt I was on holy ground.

What made the glow emanate from the presence of this faithful boy? It was the Christmas spirit.