Helping Others
January 2003

“Helping Others,” Friend, Jan. 2003, 30

Helping Others

Amy is in first grade, and she is new in her school. During the first week of school, a boy in her class dropped his lunch tray. Amy left the lunch line to help him pick up the mess. Then she went back to the lunch line with him and helped him get a new lunch.

Her teacher says that Amy is always kind and helpful to her classmates. One day a girl spilled her snack on the floor. Amy went over and helped her clean it up. She told the girl, “It’s OK. It happens to everybody.”

Amy wouldn’t tell you about these things, but if you asked her about them, she’d say, “That’s why I’m on this earth—to help people and to help them have fun.”

Amy Nightingale, age 6, is a member of Oakdale Ward, Oakdale Minnesota Stake.
