undefined undefined Example for My Little Brother
Example for My Little Brother
July 2003

“Example for My Little Brother,” Friend, July 2003, 45

Example for My Little Brother

I really enjoy school and the time I get to spend with my friends. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have even more friends to play with.

I got an invitation to a friend’s birthday party. The only bad thing about that was that it was on a Sunday. I told my friend that I go to church on that day. I decided to take him his birthday present on Monday.

I know that Heavenly Father wants me to spend the Sabbath Day with my family, doing activities that are going to help me know more about the gospel and that will teach me how to be a better example to my little brother.

I am trying to be like Jesus Christ.

Tristan Nault, age 7, is a member of the Devon-Leduc Branch, Edmonton Alberta Millwoods Stake.