undefined undefined Children’s Songbook Quiz
Children’s Songbook Quiz
August 2003

Children’s Songbook Quiz,” Friend, Aug. 2003, 23

Children’s Songbook Quiz

Find the picture for the missing word in each of these phrases of a song from the Children’s Songbook, then put the correct letter in the blank. If you need help, look up the song.

  1. “______ popping on the apricot tree” (pp. 242–43).

  2. “The foolish man built his _______ upon the sand” (p. 281).

  3. “He gave me my _______ that I might see” (pp. 228–29).

  4. “I wonder if one _______ will shine Far brighter than the rest” (pp. 82–83).

  5. “Faith is like a little _______: If planted, it will grow” (pp. 96–97).

  6. “We also believe the _______ to be the word of God” (p. 127).

  7. “I have a fam’ly here on _______” (p. 188).

  8. “Clap my _______ and shout for joy, Then climb upon his knee” (p. 210).

  9. “If you have a piece of _______, you must learn to share” (p. 262).

  10. “And when I am rev’rent, I know in my _______ Heav’nly Father and Jesus are near” (p. 31).


  • (1) d, (2) j, (3) f, (4) h, (5) g, (6) i, (7) a, (8) c, (9) b, (10) e.