December 2003

“Childviews,” Friend, Dec. 2003, inside front cover


Staying Home

One Sunday I was so sick that I had to stay home from church so I wouldn’t get everybody there sick. Before my mom and my brothers went to church, they gave me a short lesson on the Word of Wisdom.

My dad stayed home from church with me, and we had our own lessons from the Friend. We read the stories to each other, and I did the activities. Even though I missed church, I still learned about Jesus with my dad. It felt good to have a lesson and do the reverent activities.

I think that by doing these things I learned to choose the right even when I was sick and missed church.
Rachel Lyn Cox, age 8
Hyde Park, Utah

Lost Ring

One night after I came out of the church, my new silver CTR ring fell out of my pocket. My dad and uncle shined the headlights of their cars into the bushes, but I still couldn’t find it. I was feeling sad. My mom said we should have a family prayer. After the prayer, I walked through the bushes and felt a prompting to look down. There was my ring under a bush! I know that my prayer was answered and that yours can be, too.
Brian Seegmiller, age 10
Fairfield, California

Nannie’s Kindness

I wrote this talk myself and gave it in Primary the week after Nannie died:

“My grandma—we call her Nannie. She was a great example to the family. We always went to her house every Sunday. I always thought that her birthday and Christmas presents were the best. Every time we went to her house, we learned a lesson about what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would do. She was so kind to everyone. Every Christmas she took cookies to the neighbors. Nannie let people stay at her house. It was like a hotel (it was open to anyone). Nannie and Pappie took care of the handicapped in their home. Nannie died Monday, August 12, 2002. She gave me a picture of the temple before she died. She taught me about the temple. I want to try to be like her in all the ways I can, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”
Mallory Murdoch, age 8 (with Nannie)
Rigby, Idaho

Illustrated by Robert McKay
