I Love My Family
June 2004

“I Love My Family,” Friend, June 2004, 24

I Love My Family

During our activities, my family has a ball!

Hard to say which one’s the best. I guess I love them all!

Sometimes Chris plays the piano. Paul strums his old guitar.

Once we drove to get some treats, and we sang in the car.

We hiked to a waterfall and swam in the cold stream.

That was quite a shower, cool and clear and clean.

Sometimes we ride snowmobiles or inner tubes or sleds.

Once my dad brought chicken soup. “Delicious!” Kimmy said.

Sometimes we take our friends a treat. We help them clean or weed.

I feel very warm inside when I help those in need.

We can bike around the town or go play basketball.

Sometimes we all paint pictures, then hang them on the wall.

We like bowling at the lane and skating on a rink.

We like going to the zoo. Board games are fun, I think.

One night we sat upon the lawn and looked at brilliant stars.

We examined constellations. We saw Jupiter and Mars.

John likes going to the beach. We look into tide pools.

We make castles on the shore and watch fish swim in schools.

We like pie with lots of ice cream. Mom likes making treats.

Cobbler, cheesecake, caramel apples—all are really neat.

We like having puppet shows. Natalie makes popcorn balls.

We like turning out the lights, making shadows on the walls.

When my brother served a mission, we wrote letters in Chinese.

We put on some extra stamps, then mailed them overseas.

But Mondays are the best of all when we have family night.

I like learning of the Savior. I like doing what is right.

I love being with my family, learning how to love and share.

I remember lessons taught. I can feel the Spirit there.

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki; photos by Christina Smith
